인도 MIM 회사 소개
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We have a deep commitment to serve our employees, our community and the environment. We are dedicated to build a company of which we can all be proud. Not just proud in the innovative solutions we provide to our customers and the financial results we achieve. But more importantly in the manner in which we achieve them.
Whether it is giving back to our community or reducing our impact on the environment, we believe that social responsibility is a companywide effort.
Indo-MIM is very honored to donate to a wide variety of charitable causes in its community.
For the past five years, Indo-MIM has supported the Midday Meals Program for two community schools that feed over 1000 school children daily.
The dedication of a new Operation Theater, Virology Laboratory and Blood Bank was inaugurated in January 2008, which was fully funded by a donation from our founder and chairman. The Bangalore Baptist Hospital is dedicated to serving the local poor people who cannot afford quality healthcare.
Donations are provided to the ASHA Medical Foundation Bangalore, who provides care and treatment for local HIV patients.