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Indo-MIM was approached by a manufacturer, who needed a magnetic & highly corrosion resistant material (MIM Fe3%Si) Solenoid base with 10mm x 28mm x 31mm dimensions and needed to weigh at 17 grams. For this manufacturer, Indo-MIM delivered the perfect solution.
There was non-availability of requisite material in wrought form. The material needed to be highly magnetic and corrosion resistant, & hence the part had to go through various processes. Firstly, it had to be stamped after which magnetic pins were welded to non-magnetic circular sheet metal, which then had to go into electro less nickel plating. All these processes increased the manufacturing costs and decreased the quality of the component. The perpendicularity of the pins was difficult to maintain since the pins were being welded on to the sheet metal.
Indo-MIM was the best place for the above-mentioned manufacturer. The requirement was close tolerances, which was an area of excellence for Indo-MIM. Thus, Indo-MIM developed a custom-made magnetic material for the product as per the manufacturers' specifications. Its Core & Cavity in the tool accommodated the nine pins, which did away with the welding and stamping operations strengthening the final product.
Indo-MIM also created a Multi Cavity Tool, which helped to meet their high volume requirements.